Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

I can't believe my baby is 3...and I can't believe I'm so behing in blogging about it!  I had this great post planned out for his birthday and it just didn't happen.  Oh well.  No use dwelling.

We had Ethan's party the Saturday before his birthday.  He decided a few months ago that he wanted an UGA cake.  For those of you not familiar with college football (for shame!) Uga is the mascot for the Georgia Bulldogs.  I had such a hard time trying to figure this one out.  I knew that I wanted to make the cake again this year, but Uga is a copyrighted image.  You cannot buy a pan in his likeness and there is no way I am artistic enough to create something that would closely resemble him.  I ended up finding edible cupcake "picks" with Uga's picture on them!  Thank goodness!!  Nothing worse than letting a 3-year old down on his birthday!!

Luckily, the weather held out for us and the kids were able to play outside for a while and the adults watched the UGA v. UT game.  I only wish the game had gone as well as the party!  Ethan had a great time with his friends!  After everyone left, Uncle Jimmy and Hailey stuck around for a while.  The weather turned chilly so we bundled up under a blanket that Ethan got for his birthday.  It was a great day and he are so proud of our little man!!

These were taken the morning of his birthday before school.  He's getting so big!!!

I had the day off work so I made cupcakes and took them to school for their afternoon snack.  Here's Ethan with his birthday crown and his friend, Jordan.

After Marc got home from work, we went to Chick-a-lay for dinner and some ice-dream.  YUM!!

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