This past Saturday we had our first lazy weekend day is a LONG time...and it felt so good!! Sunday was a different story.
Our first venture was to watch Marc play soccer. I love going to the 11:00 games because the park is awesome and Ethan can run around and be...Ethan. There is a rather large area in between the fence and the field, so Ethan took the opportunity to kick the ball around. Notice he's sporting his new cleats he got for his birthday!!
The we decided to go for a ride on the trail around the field. I really wish we had something like this in our area.
Our next adventure took us down to Newnan. We needed to grab some of Marc's old hockey gear for Ethan to wear this weekend for Halloween, so we went by Nana and Papa's house. Then we took Ethan and Casey to see "Where The Wild Things Are." This is one of Ethan's all time favorite books and it was Marc's favorite childhood book. I was a little worried that Ethan would say that the movie was too loud, but he didn't. He LOVED it! About 30 minutes into it, he did get a little antsy so he switched off between sitting with one of us or standing up.
After the movie we headed out to one of our favorite places to eat...Waffle House. There's nothing better than breakfast for dinner!