Saturday, September 23, 2006

Home Stretch

Month 9 started with a bang!! Tuesday I went to the hospital after becoming extremely overheated and having a panic attack. I've never been to the ER before...first time for everything, right? They did a bunch of tests and everything was fine. After about 4 hours, I went home with nothing more than a paper bracelet with my name on it.

Friday I had a doctor's appointment and found out that I am still measuring ahead of my due date. I'm also 1 cm dialated and 50% effaced. SOOOO...we are having an ultrasound done this Thursday to find out just how big this baby is. My doctor (midwife) doesn't think I'll go full term, so I'm guessing we will have a baby in the next three weeks.

The room still isn't ready, but we are getting there. Someone is coming to paint this week and we have all the furniture (it's the right color now!) and I bought the crib mattress this week. His room should be ready by next weekend! In the mean time, I'm going to get my bag packed and pick out a pediatrician and a day care this week, so mark those things off the list!! Marc has already installed a carseat base in his car, and we are going shopping for a car for me today. YAHOO!!!

I'm getting really excited, but that's hard to see sometimes since I'm just a little...ok, a lot...uncomfortable. He's in a head-down position and we think he's dropped, so there's a lot of pressure in my lower abdoman that makes walking and standing for long periods of time pretty uncomfortable. It seems that I can't get enough sleep or fluids. If I'm not sleeping, I'm drinking whatever I can get my hands on. Milk and water are the drinks of choice lately. And spicy food...yummmmm.
The picture above of me, Olivia, and Cindy was taken on August 20 at my house. It's amazing how your stomach can grow in a month!! We just got our digital camera back, so I'll have some recent pictures next week.


Anonymous said...

how exciting! i cannot wait until little bit is finally here... and you can see your feet again!

much love... and free babysitting!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for this baby to come. I am going to spoil him so much. MARC you better call me as soon as everything happens and i will make plans to come down and see you guys. I love you both and i will talk to you soon---REID ELLIOTT

Anonymous said...

Hang in there! Doesn't sound like it will be much longer at all! Best wishes for a speedy delivery and happy, healthy baby boy. Love you all!----Cindy

Anonymous said...

Ethan will be here soon, and believe it or first you will actually miss him being in your belly. I can't wait to hear the good news and meet him in person. I'm glad your hospital stay was a short one and that everything is okay. You look great! I hope to see you and little Ethan soon. MITZI