Friday, June 20, 2008

May - Mother's Day, Play Date, and a New Toy

Everyone will be wearing their shorts on their head in the future...

The hat that was saved from being sold in the garage sale!

At the beginning of May, we thought that Ethan might have an ear infection, so I took him to the doctor just to be on the safe side. I am happy to say that there was no infection and Ethan did MUCH better at the office this time.
I want to be just like my daddy!

Ethan also got a new toy this month…a slide from Gram!!! He loves it! He’s mastered the stairs and the slide and can even climb up one of the “rock wall” sides.

Waiving to the airplane

Ethan is becoming a big help around the house. He absolutely loves throwing away trash, helping with the vacuuming, unloading the dishwasher, and helping Marc mow the grass. He’s also really good about cleaning up his toys when we ask. And don't think about leaving a door open!! Whenever he leaves a room, he has to close the door behind him.

Doing chores in your skivvies is fun!

Helping Daddy mow the grass

Mother’s Day was awesome this year! We spent the day at Judi and Barry’s and my mom, Grandma, and Aunt Susan came over. We had a great day just relaxing and eating great food. Grandma brought Ethan my old tricycle back from Florida. My dad did some work on it and now it’s ready for Ethan…too bad his feet don’t quite reach the pedals just yet.

Grandma, Mom, Me, and Susan

Ethan and I on Mother's Day

Ethan's attempt to ride the trike

He was bound and determined to go somewhere!

Climbing the steps in Nana and Papa's backyard

While this doesn’t have anything to do with Ethan, my birthday was this month…the big 3-0. It was great!!! Ethan went over to Gabe’s house and we had dinner with Felicia, David, Megan, Jeremy, Staci, and Michael at an awesome restaurant called Chow Baby. Thanks to all for the gifts, laughs, and memories!!!

Megan, Felicia, Me, and Staci at Chow Baby

We had another play date with Gabe, Sadie, and their parents. We took the kids to the pool. I am sad to say that Ethan is still not very fond of the water. He likes to hang out by the stairs, but if his feet don’t touch, he’s not happy. We thought that him seeing Gabe in the water would help, but no such luck. We’ll keep trying!

Hmmm....what can we do with these?
You be on the lookout while I hide the tennis ball!

It's exhausting being so cute