At Hailey's party
Being a rockstar is exshausting!
Since April 14th marked 18 months, Ethan had to go for a check up. I think he’s starting to realize fear of the unknown because for the first time, he HATED the doctor’s office. He cried almost the whole time we were there. Poor kid. The doctor said it’s normal at this age. He checked in at 33” tall and 29 pounds…still tall and thin for his age.
Mowing the lawn with Daddy
Being silly in the bathtub
Ethan had his first hair cut on the 19th!!! And just like the doctor…he hated almost every minute of that as well! I really don’t know how Yumi got his hair cut, but she did and it looks great! I do have to admit that it took me a while to get used to it…I missed his long hair! But it really does look cute and now the hair isn’t hanging in his eyes anymore.
I'm not really sure what's going on...
Maybe this isn't so bad...
Ok, wait...I don't think I like this!!!
Ethan had his first play date with Gabe…one of his friends at school. Staci brought Gabe and Sadie over one Sunday and we took them to the playground in my neighborhood. The two of them played for 3 hours!! They both slept really well that night!!
At the playground waiting for my buddy Gabe
Ethan wants in on the peek-a-boo fun, too
Two peas in a pod!!!
On the 26th we had family pictures and Ethan’s 18 month pictures taken. He was awesome and we got some really cute shots. Here’s a link to the pictures.
School is still going really well! When I dropped Ethan off the other day his teacher said that he's starting to speak in complete sentences. They were playing outside and he came up to her and said "Ouch, I fell down." We are also working on counting. The other night in the bathtub he counted to 5 all by himself!! So proud!!!