Monday, September 15, 2008

August - Busted nose, playdates, and a bath in the sink!

August started with a bang...literally!! The day after my car was involved in an accident (no one hurt!!), Ethan tripped in the back yard and went face first into the fence. Luckily, I was not outside to witness the happening, but I heard the crying and when I came downstairs, Marc was holding a paper towel to Ethan's nose that was covered in blood. Once the bleeding finally stopped and we cleaned him up, there wasn't even a scratch!! His nose did, however, almost double in size over the next 24 hours!
A few days later, we went to the doctor just to have everything checked out. The swelling was still pretty bad and the bruising was even worse! The doc told us that we didn't have to worry about a broken nose because at his age, the nose is still soft. He did recommend that we go for a CT scan to check for a possible deviated septum. I wasn't sure what to expect and was a little nervous.
We headed across the street to the imaging center and waited our turn. When Ethan's name was called, we walked back into a huge room with a table and the scanner. Thank goodness it wasn't a closed in tube type scanner. This one was a big circle about 6" wide. Ethan wasn't as pleased as I was. Asking him to stay still for any amount of time is like torture. The nurse told me that I could lay with him and that seemed to help. After a few passes through the machine, we were done!
A few hours later, the doctor called and told us that everything checked out fine with his nose, but he did have a sinus infection and he wanted us to follow up with the ENT. Marc took him for that appointment and Ethan got to take a hearing test. I was told it was a little spooky and Ethan seemed a bit uneasy. We learned that both tubes were completely out and there was more fluid in his ears. If the fluid is still there when we go back in October, we will discuss inserting tubes again.
Ethan's new toy for being such a trooper at the doctor's
Ethan had two play dates this month. Gabe and the Parkers came over and of course they had a great time. Then we went to a neighbor's house for a cook-in and Ethan got to play with Joey.
We spent the day at Nana & Papa's house and Gram came over, too. Ethan had fun helping Papa feed the fish, playing with Gram, and chowing down on spaghetti. After dinner, Nana gave Ethan a quick bath in the kitchen sink.
We have started potty training again. Ethan wears pull-up diapers at home and loves to pick which one he will wear...there are race cars and baseball! While Ethan sits on the toilet, we read "Click Clack Moo." No luck just yet, but we're trying!! In other news, we've converted the crib into a toddler bed and his pacifiers are no more!!! I have to admit that taking away the paci was so much easier than we thought it would be.

Monday, July 28, 2008

July - Trip Up North

At the end of July, we took a trip to Illinois to visit family and to attend Reid and Nicole's wedding. We had a great week hanging out with the family and meeting the new members...Athena, Ayden, and Abby. The wedding was fantastic and a lot of fun. Marc served as one of the groomsmen in the Hawaiian themed wedding, and Nana was the officiant!!

Ethan had a great time at the airport. He was excited that we got to take a bus (van) to the airport, then we got on a train, then a plane!! As usual, he slept the entire way there and for most of the way home.

On the "bus" to the airport

Our cousin Athena (with cousin Shelley)

Cousin Ayden

And cousin Abby with her mommy

Ethan trying to tell Reece something

Wearing Reid's White Sox hat!

Getting ready to punch Daddy in the nose

Got em!

Family photo before the wedding

The Spector Clan

Ethan and Hunter on the getaway golf cart at the wedding

Hunter, Ethan, and Jacob

Reid, Judi, and Nicole

The new Mr. & Mrs.

Ethan being...Ethan

Tearing it up on the dance floor

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

June - Father's Day, Potty, Haircut, and More New Toys!

Playing with Buzz...this used to be Hunter's

Daddy makes a comfy chair

June was a busy month! We started the month off buying Ethan his very own potty!! He's started telling us when he goes (sometimes) so we thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and get him used to the new potty. He's also moved up to the Toddler class at school and they have a really potty (just miniature sized) and they get the kids to sit on it at every diaper change. Occasionally he'll ask to sit on the potty, but it only lasts for a few seconds. But it's still progress, right?!?!?!

I know he'll kill me later for this picture, but I can't resist!!

Father's Day started a week early for us. Grandpa and Jimmy came to visit for the weekend. We had fun swimming at the pool and watching Marc's soccer game. On Sunday, almost the entire family came up for a cookout. Ethan had a great time playing ball with Jimmy and Grandpa. He can even say "Grandpa" now!

My Grandma, Grandpa (my dad), Ethan, and Me

Ethan playing catch with Jimmy

On Father's Day, we went to Aunt RaRa's house to hang with the Spector clan. We had a relaxing day swimming and teaching Ethan how to hit a baseball (new toy #1 for the month). Ethan is still not loving the water. But we are still working on it! He did get in for a few minutes with Aunt MeMe, but it didn't last long.

Daddy teaching Ethan to swing the bat

The following weekend we took Ethan to get his haircut again. And I am pleased to say that this time he did so much better than last. The stylist let Ethan play with her water bottle which kept him happy and occupied and got her all wet! It's a cute cut, but I have to admit that I miss the shaggy hair.
Before the cut

And after! He looks like a big boy!

Ethan's other new toy is a basketball hoop. He's not quite tall enough, so he'll use his little step stool to shoot. He definitely takes after Marc with his athletic abilities!!

This past weekend Ethan and I took a trip to Alabama to visit my friend Cindy and her family. Ethan was a little shy and timid at first, but he seemed to turn around on Saturday. Cindy's husband Kacey wrangled the kids all day on Saturday so Cindy and I could work on our scrapbooks. Ethan had a great time with Olivia and Harrison. I could tell though that he was happy to be home. He ran like crazy for about 2 hours and then crashed out on the couch.
Ethan and Olivia

Crashed out on the couch at home after a long weekend

We hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th!!!