Friday, September 14, 2007

11 Months Done...1 More To Go!

It is so hard to believe that Ethan will have been with us for a year in 1 month! Time really does fly when you are having fun. We are in birthday mode...planning a party that he won't even remember, but hey, that's what you do!

Ethan's new ride...

And the new toy he's already mastered

This past month we have been busy building on what he already knows. Ethan can stand up on his own now without help from anyone or anything. He still loves to eat! Last night be tried cheese rice and, just like his mom, loved it. I still don't think he's tried something he didn't like. Right now we are making the transition from formula to whole milk. So far, so good. We've started doing a half and half bottle and he doesn't seem to know the difference.

Ethan's first "big boy bath" without the duck

Over Labor Day weekend, Ethan spent the weekend with Aunt Meme, Casey, Jake, and Uncle Mike while I went to the beach with the girls and Marc did stuff around the house and watched football.

So tired after a fun weekend
Sporting the red and black...GO DAWGS

This weekend Marc and I are going to work on decorating Ethan's room. The plan is to paint some images of Curious George doing different things around his room. We've rented an overhead projector from the library and Gram is coming up to watch him while we tackle this project.

Still loves those cups

This past weekend we had the pleasure of having Helen and Hal over to the house on Sunday. It was great to catch up and spend time with them. Gram came up and we all went to Outback for dinner. In true form, Ethan ate all of his dinner...a grilled cheese sandwich and a ton of green beans. He also had his first piece of steak.

Using Sabo as a slide

Other than that, we are just enjoying our time together. I'm still getting used to being home every night and on the weekends. It's working out really well. Ethan is at school Monday - Friday and seems to be enjoying himself. One bit of funny news...we had Samantha shaved. Her hair was just too long, and she seems to enjoy the new look!

Samantha's new do

We would like to wish our Jewish friends and family a very happy New Year and to everyone else, be well!

Amanda, Marc, and Ethan