Thursday, April 26, 2007

6 months - April 07

We've reached 6 months...I can't believe it! Ethan went to the doctor yesterday. We found out that he weighs 18.09 pounds, is 28 3/4 inches tall and has a double ear infection...again. The good news is that we had no idea about the ear infection...he hasn't been cranky or out of sorts, so it doesn't seem to bother him that much.

Ethan still loves to eat! He's had all of the veggies and loves all of them. He's also had pears, bananas, and now we are on peaches. The doctor gave us the go-ahead to add yogurt, finger foods (puffs, steamed veggies, fruit cocktail), and juice.

This past weekend was our first weekend away from Ethan. Marc and I went to Tennessee for an anniversary weekend and Ethan stayed with Aunt Mimi. From what we heard, he had a great time! They went to the ball field to watch Jacob play, took a bath, read books, and sat up by himself for about 10 minutes! That's awesome considering he doesn't really like to sit. This kid wants to stand! He's also started rocking on his hands and knees.
We visited the Bermans and their new addition, Hailey. She's precious and Ethan had a great time playing airplane with Jimmy. I'm sure Ethan will have a lot to teach Hailey when they get a little older. Nanny and Poppy came to visit us this month. They brought Ethan some goodies and we had a great time with them. Cousin Shelley is coming to visit next weekend, and then the pool opens the weekend after that. May is going to be a busy month!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

5 months

Month 5 has been full of talking, rolling, eating, and laughing.

Ethan is talking up a storm!! "Aba" and "ba" are the most popular, but he also says "abwa" and "ow". He's also started laughing more. Not just a giggle, but an actual laugh. Right now he is in the Excersaucer talking to the lion and laughing at himself. Oh, and let's not forget the raspberries. That is our all time favorite. One day he started doing it and I called Marc to find out if he taught him. Nope...just something he picked up. So don't get too close or he may end up "showering" you with raspberries :)

He has now mastered the art of rolling over, although for the most part he only rolls in one direction. He loves sleeping on his stomach and rolling all around the crib. We put him towards the bottom and he ends up at the top with his back against the rails. I have a feeling we are going to be chasing after this kid when he starts walking.

FOOD!! Ethan LOVES food. We've tried carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans, squash, and peas and he loves them all. I've heard a lot of people say that most kids hate peas, but not this one. He loves his veggies...just like his daddy. On Monday, we start on fruits with bananas!

Ethan also loves school (daycare). His teachers say that he is probably the happiest kid in the class. He has also become attached to his Curious George. George now goes every where with us.

That's about all for now. We go back to the doctor at the end of April for his 6 month checkup. I really can't believe he's almost 6 months old. Time really does fly when you are having fun!