On Sunday, Ethan will be 3 months old!!! Time has really flown by fast!! At our last doctor's appointment, he weighed in at 12 lb. 5 oz. and measured 25 inches long. I weighed him on our home scale today, and he's not tipping the scales at 14 lbs. 2 oz. He is growing so fast. He also had his first round of shots. He did really well!! He left the doctor's office with a Garfield band-aid and a neon orange one.
Ethan's personality is really starting to shine. He smiles and giggles and even "talks" to himself now. He's learned how to control his hands and they are forever in his mouth. His new favorite toys are the ExcerSaucer (thanks Shelley and Ryan), the Jumparoo (thanks Dad and Lisa!), and his Bumbo sitter.
Daycare is going well. One of the teachers constantly talks to him in Spanish. Who knows, maybe is first word will be "Hola!" I think that daycare has taught him to be independent. He seems to enjoy spending time by himself in the swing just talking away and chewing on his hands.
Nights are also getting better. We had one night last week that he didn't get up at all!!! I woke up around 6:00 and had to make sure he was still breathing!!! We are starting to add Rice Cereal to his nighttime bottle in hopes it will help with sleeping through the night.
That's about all for now. Hope everyone had a fantastic New Years!!